casino resource and room information
casino resource and room information

Beating The Odds (A Beginners Story)
This little story may be of interest to those about to sign-up and play with casino bonus money. It's recounted here to give you an example of how you can find ways around the rollover requirements often found with promotions offering free cash or spins. We offer some of these types of deals on this very site and this piece should highlight that with a little knowledge, a potentially frustrating situation can be turned into a profitable one.

A Novice Tries His Luck
Some time ago, i thought i would try a friends sugestion and get a free play $50 at Club Dice Casino. One of our forum members (this will take you back JR) suggested that i try Video Poker and gave me some great information about the online strategy for this game, which i figured was worth a shot, as this was, after all, free money.

The Game
So i open up my account, recieve my $50 and try a little "Jacks High" video poker. I play for a while at $1 a spin without much luck and decide to up the amount to $5 (especially as i wasn't expecting to win and didn't want to waste too much time). On my second spin at $5, i hit Ah Ks Qs Js 10s which gave me a win of around x5 my original stake. The strategy guide that i had on hand, states that if you hit 4 of a royal flush you should always go for it rather than take the smaller win. So i thought, what the hell, it's free money and just held the 4 spades. Would you believe it, in comes the As and i've just won $1,250.

Not believing my luck i decided to stop right there and try to cash in ...not so easy of course !

The Fine Print
It turns out that i will have to wager about $1,200 to be able to cash out my money. After closer inspection i find out that you cannot do this at any of the games featuring video poker, blackjack, baccara, roulette and so on. Pretty much the only thing left in the casino lobby that would count towards my rake for this promotional money, were the arcade games.

The Sting
After a little research, i finally found one called "heads or tails" and checked with support (who i might add were excellent throughout) to find out that this game, will indeed, meet the requirements. So i wager $1,200 at $1 a flip, all on heads. If tails came 7 or 8 times in row i went to $2 for 10 turns then dropped back to $1. This took me about 1 hour but i managed to get through it only losing $43 of my starting amount, which seemed fairly reasonable to me. I checked back with support and they told me everything was fine and after some messing around with id's and proof of address (be careful to give the correct info), i was able to withdraw my winnings in total.

The Conclusion
If you get lucky as i did, make sure you check the requirements before you cash out, as you could very easily lose a lot of your winnings playing the wrong games to fulfill your wager requirements. The example i have written about may not work in your chosen online casino but most sites have similar or equivalent games which will give you decent odds on getting through your requirements with the minimum loss. The actual game playing time from start to finish was less than 2 hours in all and a return of $1,200 would be considered a very decent return in anyones book. Especially with free money and at these levels.

So to anyone giving it a go with one of our featured deals here, the very best of luck. Be patient, know the requirements and stick to your game plan can be done !